Hudson County Medical Reserve Corps (MRC)

After September 11, 2001, thousands of Americans responded by volunteering to help in any way they could. Many more Americans asked, "What can I do to help?" The Medical Reserve Corps brings volunteers - health professionals and others - together to supplement existing local emergency plans and resources in cities, towns, and counties throughout the United States. In order to be most effective during times of emergency, volunteers must be organized and trained to work in emergency situations. The Medical Reserve Corps is designed to provide that organizational structure and promote appropriate training of volunteers for communities.

Hudson Regional Health Commission is in the process of recruiting volunteers to participate in a county wide Medical Reserve Corps.

Mission Statement:

The Hudson Regional Health Commission (HRHC) aims to establish a countywide Medical Reserve Corps for Hudson County, NJ of organized local volunteers to augment the current medical emergency response capacity in times of emergency (particularly in the event of mass prophylaxis/vaccination Point of Distribution (POD) site activation) as well as with ongoing public health needs by providing an organizational structure that promotes appropriate training and assignment of such volunteers and that will also work with other local communities, the State of New Jersey, and the Federal Government as needed.

If you are interested in volunteering for the Hudson County Medical Reserve Corps please fill out the form below through the NJ Medical Reserve Corps, that pertains to you, and submit electronically. If you have questions regarding the Hudson County Medical Reserve Corps or do not hear from us after submitting the application contact Christina Butieb-Bianco at 201-223-1133.